Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sweet Sensation

If the model suite vignette at Canderel Stoneridge's AURA condo in Toronto were a dessert, it would probably be a delicious mix of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with a red cherry on top!

Model finishes are described as a sumptuous colour palette of cream and brown punctuated with the occasional dollop of bright red with accessories and floral.

Read Diane Tierney's full article "Vignette's suite finishes seem like dessert" in the Toronto Star (Sept. 25, 2008)

Model Design Wins

Ever year, the Ontario Home Builder's Association honours innovation and excellence in the areas of design, sales and marketing for pre-construction projects.

September 24, 2008 -- The 2008 Award of Distinction was presented to AURA for Best Interior Decorating of a Model Suite.

Congratulations to Graziani + Corazza + Baise Interior Design firm and the Canderel Stoneridge team!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Toronto, the (un)affordable

Dreaming of a penthouse suite on the 75th floor in the heart of downtown Toronto?

A price tag of $17.5 million is a bargain compared to neighbouring luxury condos offering a similar dream for more money and less space.

Read Ian Harvey's full article "Toronto, the (un)affordable" in the Toronto Star (Sept. 20, 2008)

Sprinklers - A Must Have

Some developers are already complying with recent changes to the Ontario Building Code for mandatory sprinkler systems in residential buildings over three storeys.

This new code will come into effect in 2010 but Canderel Stoneridge was already a step ahead with plans dated before the province passed legislation in June to install sprinklers in all 930 units of the AURA tower.

A marketing strategy? No - its really about safety. Consumer feedback shows high-rise fire ranks high among buyers' concerns.

Read Ian Harvey's full article "Some projects to get sprinklers before 2010" in the Toronto Star (Sept. 20, 2008)