Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Evolution of the PATH

A Wave of New Condos Set to Transform Our Great Lunch-Hour Mall Into Toronto's Underground City

The PATH system, an underground connection to the city of Toronto is recognized by Guiness World Records as the largest undgeround shopping complex in the world with 4 million sq.ft. of retail space and 27 km of shopping arcades and future plans to expand to 60 km.

The PATH provides linkages to public transit accomodating more than 100,000 daily commuters and thousands of additional tourists and residents on route to city events, work and attractions.

Many people including residents of AURA will be within an easy walk to the PATH courtesy of a direct underground connection from the building at the subway level - now that's convenient!

Read Josh Swan's full article "A New Path to Your Door" in the Toronto Star (May 3, 2008)